Thursday, March 09, 2006


sorries mam, abt all the Bangla tingies i said at class, feel so guilty, jus was annoyed. lol. yea. and i finally remembered to search for his buggered ali-g cd and found it.

other than tt, nothing much happen at schl todae, bcos thursdae is the suckiest dae of the wk.. wish i didnt have any days tt end at 4 in my time table. makes the day so damned pissing.

besides, i seriously need to work harder for my fitness. 2.4 is easily manageable by i so need to work on my pull ups so that i can at least get a silver by jc2. ahwell, at least everyting else is allrite.

hopefully, the results for the short story competition will be positive. By the middle of nxt wk i probably wld have known the results. Wish me luck everyone!

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